Hand for Handmade (HFH)

HFH Foundation was registered on 1st December 2020 under Section 8 (1) of the Companies Act, 2013. Mentorship, Collective Action, Knowledge Sharing and Volunteering are fundamental to the work of HFH.

Hand for Handmade (HFH) is a network of artisans, designers, NGOs and craft patrons who came together to collectively respond to the havoc created by the 2020 pandemic. Originating from a deep concern for the survival of the craft and handmade industry, HFH initially functioned as an informal social media platform. The network soon proved to be of immense value and relevance. It generated business, enabled sharing of knowledge, experience, and above all became a sounding board to respond to the unprecedented challenges created by the pandemic...

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Our Activities

Our Activities an turn into your instructor your helper, your


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