This Code of Conduct is derived from the core values and beliefs of HFH. They are applicable to all its endeavours and members.

  • Artisans are at the core of HFH. The interest of the artisan community is always at the forefront of all our engagements. We must always be respectful of their skill, knowledge and would always gauge the impact of our work on the artisans. Under no circumstances would we promote any work that goes against the interest of the artisan. HFH will prohibit unfair competition. No undue advantage of artisans will be tolerated.
  • HFH will conduct all its business in fair and ethical manner. Plagiarism, fraud, misrepresentation, and other unconscionable practices will be dealt with utmost strictness.
  • Agreements with other parties will be respected and adhered to. No such steps will be taken that may amount to breach of trust of members and other parties. HFH will proactively promote fair-trade practices.
  • Facilitate healthy interaction between producer artisans and the consumers to strengthen a fair ecosystem.
  • HFH is committed to staying contemporary, constantly innovating and embracing change.

Membership Do’s and Don’ts

The following guidelines are applicable to all the members of Hand for Handmade (HFH) Foundation. These are framed keeping in mind ethical practices in the craft ecosystem where many players, artisans, designers, NGOs, markets and others interact and because of which it becomes essential that we recognise the need for directives in order to make it fair and transparent. These are designed to uphold the integrity and credibility of HFH.
  • Members of HFH are expected to bear in mind the objective of HFH and its commitment to the artisan communities, and not get involved knowingly in transactions, platforms or work that goes against the objectives of HFH.
  • Members shall not make any public statements, partner with any other Organisation, or accept a position that will conflict with the interest of HFH.
  • Any confidential information obtained in the capacity of Member of HFH should not be divulged to others.
  • A Member shall not act in a manner that compromises the position of HFH.
  • A Member should not engage in plagiarism which involves HFH or any other member of HFH.
  • Members must pay the fees and renew their membership on time.
  • Members shall acknowledge HFH when using any of its studies, reports, research data or any other information which is accessed as a member of HFH.
  • Any pitching or sale of products or services on behalf of HFH must be done after entering into an agreement with HFH.
  • Members may be approached by HFH to assist in attaining the goal of HFH by volunteering with HFH, mentoring young professionals or campaigning for building a fair ecosystem for craft and handmade.

Termination of Membership

A member may be terminated on the following grounds :
  • Unpaid membership fees for more than 30 days
  • If found indulging in any of the above stated “Membership Don’ts”
  • Financial misconduct
  • Proven or under investigation for sexual harassment
  • Any other action or behaviour which goes against the values of HFH